Some inspiration to you from me


Hearty art for hearty home

Fine Art America featured my throw pillows on their Instagram 🙂 yay! Check out my online store maria-saunders.fineartamerica.comPillows.PNG

Decorative pillows and phone cases with my paintings!

Yay! I love how my paintings look on pillows and phone cases!




Born under Spica

A couple of days ago I finished this painting. And I am absolutely in love with it. From the very beginning when I had just started working on it, I felt so happy every time I looked at her face. And the feeling that I know her could not leave me. I understand she probably existed somewhere in my subconsciousness all this time. And this can be a reason her face looked so familiar to me. But also, deep within I have a feeling that she was me (or I was her) in one of my previous lifes 🙂 Am I silly? I don’t care. I feel connection. I feel love.

P.S. You can buy unframed, framed prints and prints on canvas here



I finished another painting/collage 🙂  The writing on it says, “We all are old souls. We remember our names. We remember who we are and why we are here. We watch life. We keep silence, but our hearts speak… We are travelers…”




So last night I started on a new project and stayed up till 4 in the morning. Today I finished it. And that’s what it looks like. Very soon my collages, paintings and prints will be available for everyone who would like to buy them 🙂

Please, listen to your intuition and love yourself. Hope you will find a cozy place for you under this sun 🙂

Love, Masha

P.S. You can buy unframed, framed prints of my paintings and prints on canvas here

Hair of Universe and Cosmical mirrors

I am done! 

Cosmical mirrors


I am almost done with my painting (30*48 inch) that’s called ‘I’m aware’. Nowadays it is in fashion to talk about self help, positive thinking, power of attraction and being aware. But what does it truly mean to be aware? Be aware of what? Why be aware? And how to be aware? 

You know, you can read thousands of books and go to hundreds of spiritual teachers and never understand anything. Yes, some of them will help you, and it will last for a while. But then you will realize, that you are walking in circles. You will ask yourself : ” Why all these spiritual exersises do not work for me anymore?” The thing is, that nobody in this world knows certain recepies, that will work perfect for everyone. I am not saying it’s not worth to try. We do need to try. It is an important process. 

But I believe, when we go within ourselves and finally look at our own souls (our true teachers), this is where and when things start changing into how they are supposed to be to make you happy and to bring you You. Our minds are too loud, they want to understand everything, to control everything, to explain everything. But it is not your mind that makes you alive! Mind is a powerful tool, but only if you use it along with your soul, when your mind and soul sing as a duet. Your soul knows who you are. It really does know. Ask it. Before falling asleep ask your own soul, who are you? Or while taking a walk outside ask this question again, ask trees in park, the sky above, birds, stray cats. And then in a while you will suddenly recollect something (or you will have a dream, or someone will start talking to you about it unexpectadly), that you dreamed about and what made you really happy and made you feel complete. That very moment tell yourself: “This is the door.” It will be the door into your true world. Forget everything you were tought. Trust your soul. And then when you have it figured, you can use your mind to make a statement: “I am moving forward. I am accepting myself. I love my world. My personnal world. And it loves me and takes care of me. I am safe.” No doubts, no analysis, only knowledge. You are you. Every cell in your body (feel it) rememberes who you are. Feel your forfathers in your blood and thank them for bringing you here. Bless them and move forward. They will be with you, in you, all their knowledge, love and wisdom will be with you. Aware.JPG

Farewell to fears

Unfortunately I don’t have better quolity photo of this really old painting of mine. And it isn’t possible to see some details up close, but anyways I want to tell you about this painting. Years ago I found myself not being able to live with my fears any longer. The fears that had been in my soul since I was little. I think,for me it was not so easy to get rid of them, because of my natural sensitivity. I took everything too close to my little young heart. But then I grew up. And one day I really really was able to see and comprehend why nothing I wanted to do in life was working out for me. Or if things were going really well and promissed to be even better, almost perfect soon, something would suddenly happen and destroy, completely destroy all I had done by that moment. Sometimes the situation could get very scarry and paralizing. This happened repeatedly over and over again, EVERY TIME I started new project. I won’t talk about the thoughts and analizing process in my mind at that time of my life. But I will say, that I made a desision not to dig deeper and deeper trying to find out what was wrong with me, because it would just make me crazy. I took my brushes and canvases and made three paintings. The biggest one is what you see here. It’s called “Cut off head of my fear”. This fear is represented as a body of a human dressed in black, because I had this image when I was growing up, the image that scared me long ago. It wasn’t a real person. Actually I don’t know who or what was it. Or where did this come from. Either it was my dream, childish imagination or a different place in this interesting world. But I really could feel dark energy of this guest in my life. 

The woman’s name is Marina. She’s holding a fire sward. The sward, that belongs to Michael The Archangel, who protects us from dark, evil thoughts, fears ect., besides all the other things. 

Two other paintings I made along with this one were called “Marina” and “Marina can’t be blind anymore”. The strange thing was, that while working on them I had a feling that I wasn’t making them for myself only. I had a strong feeling that I am making them for someone else who needs this visual message that my paintings had in them. I wasn’t planning on selling them, I wanted to keep them. But soon I cought myself on a thought, that for some weird reason I need to let them go wherever they choose (I know, this sounds weird. But I believe, my paintings choose their owners by their own). In a while I posted those two paintings online (decided not to post the one about the fear. I thought it looked creepy). And next morning I recieved a message from a woman named Marina. She wanted to buy both paintings and said she needs them, because she was going through something in her life and the paintings are absolutely about her. And then I showed her “Cut off head of my fear”, and she wanted to buythis painting  too! 

Unfortnately, I have no idea what happened to Marina after I have sent the paintings to her. She only messaged me about painting being delievered and promissed to tell me more soon. But she never did. And I do not have her contacts. But I believe, she is in a right place in her life and was able to overcone any difficulties whatever they were. I hope she will always be able to find this fire sward within herself. And it will protect her from all the bad things. 
