Some inspiration to you from me


How are you doing today?

Hello my friends! How are you doing today? Hope you were able to find inspiration in simple things. As for me, I am still inspired by colors, music, yoga, thoughtful people, nature, my dear cats, life itself. I don’t know what are you going through right now and what’s on your mind, but I want to tell you something. No matter what, no matter how bad things can seem sometimes and no matter how bad we can feel sometimes without or with reasons – keep going. Send all the blessings your own way and keep going. Everything will work out, and one day you will understand what for you needed all those troubles/lessons. Nothing is wasted, time is a teacher.

Love, Masha

Born under Spica

A couple of days ago I finished this painting. And I am absolutely in love with it. From the very beginning when I had just started working on it, I felt so happy every time I looked at her face. And the feeling that I know her could not leave me. I understand she probably existed somewhere in my subconsciousness all this time. And this can be a reason her face looked so familiar to me. But also, deep within I have a feeling that she was me (or I was her) in one of my previous lifes 🙂 Am I silly? I don’t care. I feel connection. I feel love.

P.S. You can buy unframed, framed prints and prints on canvas here



I finished another painting/collage 🙂  The writing on it says, “We all are old souls. We remember our names. We remember who we are and why we are here. We watch life. We keep silence, but our hearts speak… We are travelers…”


Hair of Universe and Cosmical mirrors

I am done! 

Cosmical mirrors